aviation photography selected airplane picture of the week

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"Bound for Gold"

New paint, new crew, new sponsors, NEW CHANCE AT RENO GOLD! No question, things are shaping up for the world famous Rare Bear Air Race Team! Last week, we had the "rare" chance to see this wonderful airplane up-close, once again... This time, thanks to John Penney, John Parker and Rare Bear Sponsor, OSI SOFT, we did not have to shoot through Plexiglas. Now.. about the temp up at ten thousand five hundred feet in the middle of April over the High Desert of Nevada! It was cold, darn cold but SO worth it!

This week, we're also offering you the chance to own a "suitable for framing" print of the POTW selection, and with this purchase, the opportunity to help the Rare Bear Air Race team get the airplane into the show for 2003! Fifty percent of of the proceeds from each print purchased from this page will be contributed to the Rare Bear Air Race Team via the Fan Sponsor Club.

More "stuff" coming from our visit to "The Bear Cave"

Own This Print — Help Rare Bear Race At Reno 2003!
purchase 13x19 print of
this photograph for $50.00

purchase 8.5x11 print of
this photograph for $30.00

50% Of Print Proceeds Go Directly To Rare Bear Air Race Team!

For usage rights or copies of other images by this Photogrpaher, click name below.
Photo © 2003
Wayne Sagar all rights reserved

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Former Pictures of the Week

"Dances With Clouds"

"The Amazing Mary D."

About the Slide Show:
When new Photo Gallery sections are added, or something special in the world of Aviation and Air Racing is taking place, we will feature a special photo feature presentation within this window. Watch for more Air Race photography as the weeks move on towards Reno 2001.

AAFO.COM presents the finest moments in Aviation and Air Racing past and present.

Current Feature: "The Amazing Mary D." Photo Feature By Birgitta Nurmi

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-All Aviation FlightLine OnLine-
Reproduction of any part of this website,
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Note: All pictures are Copyrighted © material and unless otherwise noted,
are the exclusive property of Airport Fence Productions, Inc.
Use of this material is strictly forbidden without prior consent.

Questions or comments about this section can be addressed to: Gallery Questions
Have a favorite shot you'd like to see on this page?
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