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"One That Got Away"

As Reno 2003 approaches, and the 2003 edition of The Reno Air Race Association's Pylon Racing School is only days away, we thought that featuring an image of a racer that has apparently "gotten away" from the fold was in order.

Since Bill Rheinschild first brought his beautiful North American P-51 to Reno in 1988, he has shown the "true grit" of a man dedicated to "Racing" his wonderful historic race plane. A perpetual "buy in" to the Unlimited Gold, whenever he managed to place first in the Silver competition, Bill was always one who was there for the top run at the gold any time he flew at Reno.

In 2002, when the announcement that he planned on returning "Risky" to stock became common knowledge, many race fans sunk in disappointment that another one "got away" from the racing fraternetery.

Will Bill return in 2003 with "an attitude?" or have we seen the last of this staunch pylon competitor? Only the "tale of the tape" come September will answer this question!

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For usage rights or copies of other images by this Photographer, click name below.
Photo © 2002
Wayne Sagar all rights reserved

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Former Pictures of the Week

"Bound for Gold"

"Miss Dianne"
"Home Town Hero"

About the Slide Show:
When new Photo Gallery sections are added, or something special in the world of Aviation and Air Racing is taking place, we will feature a special photo feature presentation within this window. Watch for more Air Race photography as the weeks move on towards Reno 2001.

AAFO.COM presents the finest moments in Aviation and Air Racing past and present.

Current Feature: "The Amazing Mary D." Photo Feature By Birgitta Nurmi

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