2001 The Week In Pictures As
we continue our pictorial review
of Reno 2001, we offer this
second installment in the series.
Our presentation from Reno this
year will be categorized by
photographer. This week Wayne
Sagar takes us back to Sunday,
September 9, 2001. [click here for
gallery index] |
got bad news" As
racers and fans gathered in the
Reno Air Race Association hangar
last Friday, hopes were high that
we were to get the announcement
we'd waited for since flight
operations were cancelled on
Tuesday after the brutal attacks
on Washington and New York..... [full story and
audio file] |
ZAPS Mary Dilda An
aviation cartoonist with a bent
for poking fun at Air Racing and
the people in it, Keith
"Kraz" Krasnowski takes
aim at Air Racing's Fastest
Woman. |
Now For Some Airplane Images As
the week unfolds here at Reno,
whatever the circumstances, the
celebration of liberty and life
itself goes on in the special way
that only "Reno" can
provide. Join us as we celebrate
the "Sprit of Reno" |
Second Briefing Thursday 15:30 Even
if the races must be flown IFR,
it looks like competition will
resume after national day of
Briefing Thursday 10:30 AM
Pacific (Real
Streaming Media) No one knows
exactly what will happen and or
when but officials here remain
optimistic that racing will
resume. |
the Lighter Side A
certain lady pilot is looking
quite good in more ways than one
but the FAA may want to have a
little talk with her about her
piloting technique. Kraz turned
in this image.. and swears he
took it with his new
"magic" telephoto
[ click here for
"photo" ] |
In this time of national
grief, we have to stand together
and show our strength. We may
have tears in our eyes, but we go
on with our freedom and way of
life An editorial by Mark
S. Daniels.
[ click here for
story ] |
Officials Optimistic - Resumption
of Racing Expected
At 13:30 Pacific Time
today Reno Air Race officials
held a pilots meeting to discuss
the progress thus far towards
gaining approval from the FAA to
continue racing here at the Reno
Stead Airport this week. The mood
of RARA officials could be
described as optimistic.
[click here for
story and Real Streaming Audio of
Meeting] |
Attacks Halt Reno Qualifying The
terrorist attacks on the pentagon
and World Trade Center have
brought a grounding of all
aircraft in the United States,
including those located here at
Stead. We will bring you word on
what this means to the balance of
the week of racing as soon as it
is known here. At this moment,
news is very hard to come by, the
internet is choked with traffic
to the various news agencies...
We here at Stead know very little
other than the FAA grounding has
all airplanes shut down and
racing activity stopped. [click
here for report ]
[ click
here for RARA Press Conference In
Real Streaming Media Audio ] |
First Day Qualifying Results
Wrap up and photo Gallery
The course is opened, the racers
are taking the clock. The results
sheet for the first day of
qualifying at Reno 2001 shows
some very interesting results in
all race classes. [click here for
day one results]
[click here for Monday wrap up
and photos] |
Watch Take
a look back at the week of
preparations by race teams, race
officials and everyone involved
as the sleepy Reno Stead Airport
is transformed into the annual
gathering of the fastest, known
as "Reno"...
[click here for
report and image gallery] |