September 13, 2001
by: Barton Sagar
A Definitive
Statement By Reno Air Race Association
approximately 3:00 PM today a definitive
notice was made on the public address
system for the race fans. The message was
essentially that today (thurs) there
would be no races, tomorrow we will have
a memorial service at 11 AM with the
possibility of a missing man fly-over.
This, of course, is contingent on the FAA
suspending their ban on general aviation
flights. The announcement gave fans the
option to mail in requests for refund for
their Thursday and Friday tickets, if
they choose.
At 3:30 PM
there was a meeting with the pilots in
the RARA hanger. The message there was
the same: there would be no racing or
flying today. Tomorrow (Friday) the Reno
Air Races will honor the national day of
mourning for the victims of this inhumane
terrorist attack. Reno Air Race
Association Chairman, Bill Eck, stated
that he was fairly certain that IFR
flights would be able to fly. He said
"if that is the case then we will
fly IFR from Stead to Stead".
Everyone in attendance laughed.
the statement was taken as a joke by
most. Then Mr. Eck further stated that
this seems to be OK with the local FAA
director. The statement was made several
times that "we will fly on Saturday
and Sunday". One might assume that
RARA may be aware of something that was
said by the FAA that gave the confidence
to make such a definitive statement.
Mr. Eck
said that "we will not let you down.
Some have been critical of the Reno Air
Races for us wanting to hold this event
during this time of national mourning. We
are willing to take any heat that might
be directed at the Races. Too many of you
have come here from all directions and at
great expense. You have come to race and
we will not let you down, we are doing
and will continue to do all we can for
you and for the fans."
The mood
of the fans, pilots and crews seems to be
quite upbeat. Everyone knows what
circumstances caused this but all seem
determined to "stay the course"
and continue with our once a year
celebration of speed and freedom. It has
been a credit to the intelligence and
common sense of race fans, crews, pilots
and the staff of RARA as well as the
local director of the FAA, Clarence
Bogart. It is a good thing that during
times like this so many choose the high
road. Now is a time for us all to come
together in this kind of cooperation and
fellowship; this is commendable.
Our nation
has sustained a terrible loss; do we
allow the terrorists to cause us to halt
living the lives we choose? It seems the
consensus is not now and not ever. God
Bless America and our citizens