09/13/98 AAFO.COM UPDATE We've just received word from Tom Giertz,
who has been putting in 12+ hour days for three weeks up
at the Thunder Mustang Werks in Nampa, Idaho. Tom
volunteered his talents to help the factory group finish
an airplane for Reno 98' "I am back from spending 20
days working on the Mustang. 20 straight days of 12-16
hour days! A lot of work, but worth every minute."
It appears their efforts have done the trick to get a TM
flying for the event.... getting it into the event may
not prove as easy..... "It looks as if the plane
will be ready to fly, but may not have a pilot
available." said the very tired Giertz..... When we
last talked to Dave Morss, he was quite eager to get
behind the throttle of a TM for the events, savoring the
thought of being in, and possibly, winning the inaugural
Sport Class event. Apparently the lateness of the
finishing and prior commitments could become a problem
for getting Morss behind the stick for this
year....Giertz reports..."The schedule with Dave
Morss was very tight. That is why we may have a pilot
Tom told
us we will see the Thunder Stang at Reno... "The
plane will definitely be at Reno, but maybe not racing.
It does have its airworthiness certificate and the area
to fly off the restrictions is far enough to reach
Reno!" However it was not there as of 19:00 hrs on
Sunday when we stopped by Stead on our way in from our
own "low level" chevy pickup flight down from
Oregon...(this is another story entirely and we have the
right to not incriminate ourselves... ok ok.... 8.5 hrs
block to block from Portland to Stead.... What can I
Tom also cleared up the identity of this particular
airplane. We had been referring to it as "Factory
#2". In fact, it is a customer owned
airplane....."This particular airplane will be the
first customer airplane. It belongs
to Tommy Rose of Mississippi. PAPA-51 will use it until
Sun-N-Fun. The second factory airplane should be ready to
fly there. It is possible that there will be 3 or 4 at
Oshkosh next year!"
This opens up another area of speculation.... When we
talked to Papa 51's Charles Denny earlier about this
airplane and the possibility of seeing a supercharged
version....he alluded to seeing this engine in an
airplane at Sun-N-Fun.... Could this be the second
factory airplane.... Ahh... Sweeet Mystery!!
Tom provides the photos seen in this article, AAFO.COM
will bring you more from the Air Race site, particularly
some round the pylon shots......*IF* a pilot can be found
to race the airplane.....Cross your fingers and wish this
dedicated team a hardy GOOD LUCK! They certainly deserve
a ton of respect for what they accomplished in such a
short time.
pictures of the Thunder Mustang)
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Main Page)