Reno Air Racing: Thunder mustang Update!

Lloyd Hamilton

By: Aaron Olden

For those that were not able to attend the Lloyd Hamilton Memorial, held at his hangar in Santa Rosa, CA.on the first day of the new century, I can report it was very moving experience. Lloyd was a man that had big heart on the race course or any where else. We will all miss him… that smile he had. There was lots of great food on hand and Hamilton stories to match…many humorous, just like the man himself. Lloyd's eulogy was delivered by none other than Sandy Sanders and some of Lloyds close friends. To show much he was liked, the Chino gang flew up in their Lockheed/Howard 500.

A missing man formation was launched. "Ridge Runner", "Straw Boss", "Dreadnought" and the Sanders', stock Sea Fury took to the sky in tribute to our fallen friend. As the formation flew by the Sanders' Fury pulled up into the heavens with smoke streaming from each wing. Shortly thereafter a hundred or so red and gold balloons were released by those in attendance.

Fly high, friend!

Story and images copyright © 2000 Aaron Olden

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