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Wednesday Update Sheet

9:00 AM

  • Good morning race fans! T-6 Class on the course as of now...

  • Unlimited Class- Strega engine runs last night sounded good... Tiger should qualify today. Weather cloudy and cool versus the hot day when Dago qualified.... Stand by for unofficial time as soon as the run is complete.

11:45 AM

  • Unlimited Class- Tiger will take Strega up at 12:30 for a qualification run.... plan is to make a minimal run @ 60 inches.. lock a slot in the show... if all goes well an additional attempt will be made sometime later today before qualifications close.... Tiger will shoot for one of the top slots.... Will this strategy bring out the two "sleepers" Voodoo and Critical Mass who have been holding at their minimum effort runs? Stay tuned... we'll keep you posted on who is going to do what... when...

1:15 PM

  • Unlimited Class- Tiger takes the course... followed by Tom Dwelle.... stand by for results... Looks like a real cat and mouse "chess game" developing for the top 5 slots this last day of qualification at Reno 2000.

2:30 PM

  • Unlimited Class- Tiger takes the clock, turns in sub 400mph lap... Critical Mass takes clock turns in 450mph.. time disallowed for deadline cut... Dwelle currently 4th place in standings.... there is one more Unlimited qualification session today... Stay tuned

10:00 PM Wednesday Wrap Up

Unlimited Class-

In the second Unlimited class qualifying session, the sight of Tiger Destefani and Strega being pulled out onto the ramp sparked a flurry of activity.

Tiger's earlier speed of 376.377mph didn't fool anybody for long as today's "chess game" unfolded. Comments ranging from "Tiger's sandbagging" to "Tiger's making metal" summed up the mystery surrounding "who was gonna' do what?"

As the afternoon session began, Tiger went up and posted a much faster 429.858mph.. Tom Dwelle decided to hedge his bets and took another run at it immediately after Tiger's run. Dwelle clocked in at a potentially second place 449mph in his second attempt but hopes for bettering his position were dashed when he was called for flying too wide on two portions of the course. The time today was disallowed and Dwelle and crew will settle for their 429.610mph, 5th place slot.

Voodoo also went out, stirring thoughts that Button was sending Matt Jackson out for another run at it... Not so, Matt was flying a camera for the World of Wings production, "People Passion Pistons & Power" being made at Reno 2000.

Late arrival, Jimmy Leeward, posted a 395.531, showing his usual tight clean line in his nearly stock, Race 9, Cloud Dancer. Jimmy was also seen "mixing it up" with the props out on the course in his beautiful MiG 17 during the late afternoon "after hours" session...

Art Vance took Furias up for another try today, improving on his original run of 386.643mph by over 10 mph, posting a final qualifying speed of 397.432mph. This team has had its hands full getting Furias out of "mothballs" and into racing trim this year... Watch for a much faster entry in the years to come.

Howard Pardue took the clock again today in his Sea Fury, Race 66 Fury, improving his speed by a few mph to 415.112. Always in the hunt, Pardue is sitting in good shape for finishing well on Sunday.

1999 Bronze Class winner, Vlado Lenoch in the beautiful Race 51, Moonbeam McSwine failed to make the cut today. With his airplane in completely stock trim this year, Vlado was unable to break the 300mph Unlimited Class minimum speed.

A late night walk on the ramp, revealed the crew for Race 45, Risky Business, doing an engine run-up check on repairs made earlier today. Gary Hubler flew "Risky" but had an ADI (anti-detonation-injection) problem.... the crew took care of this problem and installed new plugs in Bill Rheinschild's P-51 racer.

Bill Rheinschild's other racer, Race 117, Bad Attitude, carrying a qualifying speed of 387.903, still sits in the hangar, engine on the floor, with a flurry of work going on to repair a blower problem... A crewman working on the aircraft stated that an all nighter would have the airplane ready for competition tomorrow...

T-6 Class-

Mary Dilda and her crew, must have solved the power loss problem, as she turned in a fairly respectable 221.500mph, seventh place finish.

Tom Campau turned in a third place, 229.586mph qualifying time today after much work on the airplane over the last three days. With so much activity in Tom's pit.. we had worried that there were problems in the airplane we used for our photo shoot earlier this year but Tom assured us all the work had been routine and things look good for his entry Mystical Power.

With the sixth through tenth place positions in the T-6 Class, separated by just over one mph this class will have some very close competition this week, as always.

Sport Class-

It has not been a good week for the normally victorious factory Lancair entry this year... Engine problems early in the week have just seemed to compound. Burnt pistons replaced, the team has resorted to pulling parts off last year's winning entry, Race 99, "Zero-Nine-Lima."

Sport Class pairings and final qualification results will not be posted until after the course opens tomorrow... allowing Pilot, Dave Morss, one last shot at getting the Lancair entry into the show..

A late night check into the hangar, revealed lights out and "Zero" activity... does this mean they could not get it done and gave up? Or are the problems fixed? First runs tomorrow should answer this question.

Thunder Mustang: Lou "Sky-Slut" Meyer, flying the extremely shiny red and white Race 69, Thunder Rose "loafed" to a very competitive 309.517 today, putting him in third position. At this moment the airplane is sitting about 30 feet away from us, looking very impressive. Preparation work continues as of this moment (12:20AM) but Charles Denny and Tom Giertz tell us the earlier oil pressure problem has been solved and they are READY for competition tomorrow.... (oops... today)

Formula One Class-

Ray Cote sits in the "cat bird seat" in this group with a first place qualifying speed of 249.838 with David Hoover close behind at 248.676...

With only 6mph separating the top four contenders to take the Formula One crown... close action should be expected.

This class has been dominated for years by the retired Nemesis... Who will take it this year??

Biplane Class-

Though the difference in speed between the fastest and slowest airplanes in this class is vast, there are some two and three plane battles shaping up within the qualifying times that should provide race fans with close action...

Heat races for all classes begin on Thursday... Stay tuned for results and news as it develops through the day. We will be on location at the various photography locations on the race course throughout the day and will try to upload some views from the pylons as soon as they can be processed back here at the World of Wings/AAFO.COM Yahoo!Broadcast Headquarters, located in the pits at Stead Field, Reno Nevada!

Click here for final qualification results

First Day Pairings
Unlimited | T-6 | Sport | Formula 1 | Biplane

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Reno National Championship Air Race Coverage
Brought To You By:

Phillips 66 Aviation Fuel – Reno Hilton
TiVo "TV Your Way" – Millionaire Magazine
Oakley Sunglasses & Accessories – Tomos Products
Air Classics Magazine – American Air Racing, Ltd.
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