Oshkosh, Wisconsin
July - August, 2004
Airshow Photo Report
by: Arnold GreenwellAirVenture 2004 Oshkosh
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Each year,
the Experimental Aircraft Association
(EAA) holds their convention and fly-in,
"AirVenture", at the EAA
headquarters, located at Whittman Field,
Oshkosh, Wisconsin. This event is known
simply as Oshkosh to most aviation
enthusiasts and has become one of the
most popular aviation events in the
world. Likely, it is the most popular and
most attended event of any sort,
Your first trip to Oshkosh,
be it by car, or by airplane can be a bit
daunting, particularly by air but
thats another story for another
day. The event is simply so huge that
whether you approach via land or air, the
simple fact that approximately one tenth
of EVERY airplane in the world is either
already at or, heading to the same place
you are headed makes it completely
different than anything you will ever
experience, anywhere.
As a journalist, Ive
attended the event twice and never even
began to gain a grasp on just how to
cover the event, let alone SEE the event.
There is simply so much going on in so
many places at the same time, each day
for over a week, that just where to start
becomes a day long decision!
It is daunting!
To say
that we were overjoyed this year, when we
were approached by Arnold Greenwell
asking if we were interested in having
him represent AAFO at the event might
well be an understatement!
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get me wrong, I LOVE airplanes, any
airplanes. Big ones small
ones - old ones, new one's -
jets and props alike but man..
Yikes! Id love to go,
mind you but as a spectator, thank you!
No camera, no decisions
just an
empty head filled with dreams of flying
among the clouds in one of the many
amazing vehicles present at AirVenture.
Our new man at Oshkosh,
Arnold Greenwell didnt just walk in
off the street either. First, he came
with high recommendations from fellow
photographer Robert Eng. Second, Arnold
has been an official EAA photographer for
several years at past AirVentures and he,
likely WOULD know where to start.. where
to find a middle and where to end!
With this photo essay by
Arnold Greenwell, we offer you a look at
the long standing, LONG running (it lasts
for over a week already!) aviation event
to end all aviation events.. The
granddaddy of all airshows
AirVenture 2004 OSHKOSH!
year AirVenture 2005 will take place July 25
- July 31. For further information on
this event, visit the EAA website at http://www.eaa.org/
and captions by: Arnold Greenwell
with additional captions &
introduction by Wayne Sagar
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the photographer:
For more than a
decade, Arnold was one of the
official EAA convention
photographers. He has been
shooting at Oshkosh for years,
originally starting out with the
Southern Aviator. Concurrently,
Arnold was a long time Sun'n Fun
shooter and worked on the show
paper staff for many years. In
addition to the Southern Aviator
and numerous EAA publications,
calendars, and other materials,
Arnold has also done assignments
with AOPA PILOT and contributed
to other aviation publications.
He recently sold rights to one of
his Wright Bros. Centennial
photos to the Smithsonian. To pay
the bills Arnold is a
photographer and assoc. editor
for an environmental health
scientific journal at one of the
National Institutes of Health.
Arnold is also a private pilot
and belong to the Wings of
Carolina Flying Club in Sanford,
NC. He shoots both digital and
film with a preference to
digital. Arnold is also a member
of the International Society of
Aviation Photographers.
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