Grass Valley, California
July 8-9, 2005
Airshow Photo Report
Story and photos by: Victor Archer
on any image to enlarge
somewhere up in the Sierra Nevada
Mountains along the California Nevada
boarder is a tiny airport called Grass
On a recent trip to
Marysville, California, for the Golden
West Fly-in, I was invited to go to the
Grass Valley Airfest. I wasn't sure if I
wanted to make the drive back up that way
for a little one-day show (It's only 500
miles each way for me) but I had a few
people tell me that it's a very unique
and beautiful location for an air show.
So I took the bait and ran back up to
central California one more time. Well,
I'm sure glad I did! The airport is
surrounded by tall trees and the sky was
bright blue with a few white clouds,
hhmmmmm sounds pretty nice for taking
I got to the airport nice
and early so I could have a good look
around and get a few photos of the
aircraft on the ground before the crowds.
I love walking into a show when one of
the first things you see are a bunch of
Mustangs! Oh an a Corsair and a Sea Fury
The Show
was setup very nice lots of great vendors
and some really good food too.
The flying was setup even
better. First a great demo from the CDF,
a very long and low water dropping pass
by an S2 and some flybys from the OV-10,
S2 and their Cobra helicopter.
Next a
great lineup starting from
homebuilt/light sport aircraft
progressing up to Sports Class racing
aircraft like John Parkers Thunder
We had a surprise visit from
a Gulfstream G4 which made a few passes
and actually landed. Sure looked big at
Grass Valley!
From there
they went into the trainers. A group of
four Stearmans did some great formation
flying. There were a couple of BT-13's
and a bunch of T-6's. Ken Dwelle in
Kitchen Pass, Tom Dwelle in Tinker Toy,
MYT6 and one more flying formations. Next
six T-28's went up, four in formation and
two making low level passes.
Now it was time for the
Warbirds! Kent Carlomagno's Yak-11 Blyak
Moose, Ted Contri's P-51D-20NA Mustang
Sizzlin' Liz, Mike Coutch's very rare
P-51H-5NA, Chuck Wentworth's Goodyear
FG-1D Corsair and Ellsworth Getchell's
Hawker Sea Fury Mk.II.
They all
put on quite the show. BlyakMoose made a
few very low passes, the same for
Sizzlin' Liz.
Chuck Wentworth circled
around from behind the crowd and really
showed off the unique lines of the
Well Ellsworth Getchell really knows how
to get the crowd excited. He would circle
around and climb out very high as
everyone els was making low passes and
then he would dive down on the field
aiming straight at the spectators and
then bank away, Getch really put on a
good show!
Well the show was about over
when the CDF had to go out on call, hate
to see them have to go out but it did
make for a nice shot or two.
next a
couple of Jet Provosts or Strikemasters
went up with Bob Button in his L-39.
As the
Jets went out Getch came by for one more
low pass.
Almost over? No, The Hiller
Aviation Museum's Douglas DC-3 went out
and was going to make a low pass. I
wasn't actually able to see the pass, but
I did get to go up and chase the Hiller's
DC-3 around a little bit for an
air-to-air shoot. A Big Thank you to
Brian O'Brein for the opportunity and to
John Parker for flying the photo ship.
The Grass
Valley AirFest was a great show! If you
have never been there you won't believe
how close you are to the action it's very
exciting. It is in a beautiful setting
and the staff and volunteers make it a
very friendly place to be. Was it worth a
1,000 mile round trip? YES! Will I go
back? Oh yeah can't wait!
Speaking of wait, I wanted
to have a chat with Getch before he left.
I had a very interesting conversation
with him about flying air shows! And if
you don't already know, well Getch almost
always makes at least one exciting pass
on his way out.
See you at
the next show,
"Marauder61" Archer

Nestled within the
scenic gold country of the Sierra Nevada
foothills in Nevada County, California.
The Grass Valley, Nevada County Air Fest
has become one of the best small-town
airshows in the United States. Visitors
can choose to drive to the location or,
if this area of the country is a bit too
far for your driving pleasure,
Sacramento, California, has a major
airport and it just might be worthwhile
to book a flight and make your way to
"Gold Country" next year to
catch this wonderful show!
For more
information about this airshow visit