April 21-23, 2006
Airshow Photo Report
Story and photos by: Victor and Jeffrey
on any image to enlarge
Air Group
One the San Diego Wing of the
Commemorative Air Force put on a great
air show at Gillespie Field in El Cajon,
CA. This show was the twelfth
annual event, and those who came out in
the cloudy and sometimes rainy weather
were treated to the quality displays that
have become a tradition.
I went down on Friday, a
pre-show/media day to go up for an
air-to-air shoot, which turned out to be
a very interesting journey. I got to go
up in the CAFs Convair C-131 with a
group of five T-34s. The runway at
Gillespie is just barely long enough to
get the C-131 in and out of. We got to
the end of the runway, ran the engines up
and let the brakes off and away we went,
almost, about halfway down the take off
run was aborted and we turned around for
another go. After getting bounced around
climbing out through the local mountains
we were cleared to buzz a couple airports
and fly over San Diego Bay. The weather
was great along the coast and thats
where I got most of the good shots.
The weather did not look to
promising for photography on Saturday so
I decided to wait and go back on Sunday,
which turned out to be a good choice. My
son Jeff and I got down to the field a
little early and after looking at some of
the clouds I thought it might be a good
idea to get an umbrella. We took some
real nice shots of the static aircraft
and then setup our chairs, right after
that a little black cloud came over the
field and it rained for about ten
minutes. We popped out the umbrella and
hung out there in the rain knowing it
wasnt going to last long.
The show started with
fly-bys from a group of T-34s
and the Condor Squadrons
T-6s. The T-34s did a missing
man formation to start the show. There
was a little break in the action and we
wanted to say hi to Skyraider Bob and we
also got to meet Alan Anders who was
flying the other Skyraider an AD4-NA
model. Its always a pleasure
chatting with Bob and he described the
"Flight of the Intruder" demo
to us so we knew where the action would
be. On one of the passes they came from
behind the crowd and did an under- over
split, separated and then came at each
other head to head.
John Collver and his T-6
"WarDog" put on a great
aerobatic display performing slow rolls,
loops and a few low passes during his
routine. If you could ever use the word
graceful and T-6 together it would be to
describe John Collvers old fashion
style of aerobatics. Next was the slow
and antique aircraft. The "Big
Panda" an Antonov An-2 was showing
the crowd how slow it could fly which was
quite a sight considering its size. With
flaps and slats and everything hanging
out it just floated there in the sky.
There was a Birddog and a Bulldog and two
beautiful Stearmans, a 1930 model C3-R
one of only seven remaining and Bob
Simons Oshkosh award winning 1941 model
Now heres something
you dont see very often, Skyraider
Bob in the back seat of his T-28 Fennec.
Bobs Daughter Danna went up with
Alan Anders to do some formation flybys.
Seeing the Skyraider flying next to the
T-28 made for a real interesting size
comparison. The Thunder Delfins, an all
L-29 jet demo team went up for some
formation demonstrations as well as a
group of T-34 Mentors. An aerobatic
performance by Chuck Lischer and his
F-260 came next.
The Condor Squadron put on a
mock battle with their T-6s. They
were accompanied by a P-40 from the
Planes of Fame Museum and Chuck Hall in
his P-51D Six Shooter.
The T-6s really
didnt have much of a chance against
the P-40 and the P-51. The show ended
with some great flybys from an F4U
Corsair and a TBM Avenger.
The Wings over Gillespie air
show is always a show I enjoy going to.
The air field is small but usually jammed
full of aircraft and your close to all
the flying action, looking forward to
next years show and I hope I see you
I would like to thank Steve
Real, Laura Scotty and everyone else at
the CAF San Diego Wing, AIR GROUP ONE for
providing a fantastic opportunity to
cover their air show!
For more information about
Air Group One:
