The County of San Bernardino
Planes of Fame 2010 Air Show MAY
15 & 16
Pre-Show Report by Victor G. Archer

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This year’s show will feature over 40
historic aircraft performing for your enjoyment as well
as a tribute to our greatest generation, the veterans of
World War II!
The air show Begins with the National Anthem and a
Missing Man Formation.
The first aerobatic performance will be Silver Wings,
the wing walking team of pilot Hartley Folstad and wing
walker Margi Stivers. Dancing on the wing, Margi takes
us back to the golden age of barn storming aviation. (
Rob Harrison is next with his
modern-day high energy aerobatics in his Zlin 50.
The show will feature flybys from naval aircraft from
WWII, among the many aircraft will be F4F Wildcat, F4U
Corsair, SBD Dauntless, A6M Zero, F6F Hellcat and the
F8F Bearcat.
Clay Lacy for the first time ever will perform
aerobatics in his Learjet (
A break from flying, Jonna Doolittle Hoppes will lead
panel discussions with the following veterans: Maj.
General John "Johnny" Alison (the 'father' of Air Force
Special Operations, WWII ace, and Korean War veteran);
Clarence "Bud" Anderson (P-51 'Old Crow' triple ace in
WWII); Vi Cowden (WASP P-51 pilot WWII); Col. John
Doolittle (WWII and Korean War veteran); Bill Holloman
(Tuskegee Airman P-51 pilot); Huie Lamb (P-47 and P-51
pilot); Wilbur Richardson (B-17 ball turret gunner,
Purple Heart recipient); William "Bill" Spengler (P-51 "Buzzin
Flying resumes with flybys from US.
Army Air Corps and Air Force aircraft including: P-38s,
P-40s, P-51s, B-25s, A-1s, T-28 and P-47.
What not enough warbirds? OK how about a 3-Ship P-51
Aerobatic Demonstration from The Horsemen!
Presented by ASB.TV this is one performance you should
not miss!
Air Racing in Southern California? Well almost, The
Unlimited start demonstration. Lead by the T-33 pace
plane, Mustangs a Sea Fury or two, a Bearcat and a Yak
all heading down the chute…
Need more? Aircraft from the Korean Air War featuring
tail chase between the F-86 and a Mig-15.
Next, an F-16 demo followed by a USAF
Heritage Flight with two P-38 Lightning’s and a P-51.
Crowd pleaser! Brian Sanders Sea Fury Aerobatic
Demonstration! Brian’s aerobatic routine in the Sea
Fury, Argonaut, with smoke generators on the wingtips is
always awesome. (
Seen enough? No way! Chino always has something special
planned. All year long the Planes of Fame Museum has
been inviting P-51 Mustangs and rumor has it that around
twenty are planning on showing up for a special
formation with the Lyon Air Museum’s B-17 Fuddy Duddy.
Rounding out the show will be a flight demonstration
from the USAF’s C-17 Globemaster! If you haven’t had a
chance to see this demo it’s like watching a C-5 fly
like an F-16!
Adults with one child (5-11) admitted
free with each paid adult ticket. $20.00 Additional
children (5-11) $5.00 Children under 5 years Free Museum
members Free.
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