October 02, 2005
Air Race News
By: Wayne SagarNew
President For IF1 Speaks Out
The Internet can
be a very good place to get
information. Sometimes, the
information you are looking for
is available on the Internet
almost as it happens. The down
side of this is, the information
you glean on "the net"
can turn out to be as worthless
as the byproduct from the spent
electrons pushed by the cooling
fan out the back of your
computer. |
Recent statements
found on the Internet, attributed to past
IF1 president Ray Sherwood, alleging
turmoil within the ranks of the IF1
racing division and the Reno Air Race
Association, seem to carry as much weight
as that warm byproduct.
A response from the current
International Formula One President,
Birch Entriken steps directly on this
particular race year rumor..
"International Formula
One would like to set the record
straight. Recent comments on the internet
claiming that RARA had threatened IF1
with expulsion from the Reno Air Races
are simply false. Such statements are not
only inaccurate, but irresponsible."
Entriken added that the IF1
Division would be appearing at the Nellis
Air Force Base - Las Vegas Air Show
"Aviation Nation" November
12-13, 2005. The new president was unsure
if the racing division would be asked
again to participate at the Tunica
(Mississippi) Air Races. Further expanded
racing plans for the division are unknown
at this time.
For more
information about International Formula
One Air Racing
visit http://www.if1airracing.com/