September 02, 2005
Air Race Photo Report
By: Wayne Sagar
Photos & Captions Provided by: Jeff
LoBirth Of A Raceplane
Jeff Lo's Miss Gianna

On Any Photo To Enlarge
Jeff Lo
has been a fixture in the Biplane racing
division for many years. His sleek Pitts
racer, named after his late wife
"Miss Diane" has become one of
our favorite airplanes raced at Reno.
I think it was on the ramp
on a very sultry last day at Oshkosh a
few years ago when Jeff first told me of
his plans for a new Biplane racer. On
that still Wisconsin morning, high
temperature and even higher humidity
conspired with way too many beers the
night before to sap my attention span and
the details of the conversation
unfortunately escaped somewhere into the
place where details that I'd like to
commit to memory, but never can, wind up.
In the years following this
first word of Jeff's new plane, we've
kept in touch and kept pace with the
progress on his new airplane.Named after
his daughter, Jeff's dream biplane took
shape in the skilled hands of fellow air
racer Chris Ferguson. What Jeff told me
of the airplane over this period of time
definitely riveted my attention. Never
having seen a visual of the airplane,
Jeff's descriptions had my imagination
creating a vision of an elongated Pitts
on steroids. Talking with Chris at the
Tunica (Mississippi) Air Races in June
fortified the vision. Indeed, Chris
enthusiastically described an airplane
beyond my dreamed of "Super
Pitts"! But I'd have to wait to see
her described sleekness.
On seeing the first pictures
of the airplane that Jeff sent me prior
to paint, the airplane looked pretty darn
good even in the unfinished state that it
was in. Now completed and flying, Jeff
has sent us a batch of photos taken
during the construction process. We get a
rare look at the birth of a raceplane and
Jeff and Chris's vision come to life! To
the lovers of things that fly with two
wings, this new airplane is surely a
thing of great beauty!
For those of you who think
that racing at Reno (or elsewhere) is
done only by airplanes with a single
wing, you are missing out on one of the
most competitive and innovative racing
divisions in the great sport of Air
Racing! We present you with "one to
watch" for 2005, Jeff Lo's
"Miss Gianna!
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Hangar Talk Message Board.
For more
information about Jeff Lo and his race
team, visit