Reno Stead Airport
September 11, 2005
Air Race Photo Report
Story and photos by: Wayne SagarSUNDAY PRACTICE DAY

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Clock Ticks Down
For September Fury
Author's note
to self: Next time, remember.. driving
all night has its penalties!
While I
sit here in my hotel finishing what I
started last evening and should have
completed then, I'll try to remember the
note to myself placed above!
Sunday at
Stead was used by many of the racers
present to get some time on the course.
Of course, "we" were sleeping
in at our hotel due to our all nighter
driving down the previous day... so our
readers will have to be satisfied what
what "we" did manage to get on
disk for the day.
But enough about me and onto
the action. As mentioned above, today was
a day for practice and getting familiar
with the course. For some pilots, it was
just a renewal of what they have done
before. For others, it will be their
first time on the course during
September. (All pilots must attend
training sessions in June and do have
time on the course)
The really big news of the
day/week, to date... Mike Brown's much
anticipated Gold Unlimited contender is
having engine problems and is currently
still at its home base. "Making
Metal" may be the quote of the week
on this airplane! As of Monday morning,
the cause of the metal has yet to be
found... Late word from AAFO reporter on
the field Naomi West is, the deadline is
Tuesday at Noon and further... September
Fury has thrown in the towel and will not
make Reno 2005. Disappointing news for
many.. Perhaps a miracle will happen and
the crew will find and repair the cause?
Tick Tick
Story and
photos by Wayne Sagar