Reno, Nevada
September 14, 2006
Reno Air Race ReportThursday Races VERY
Hot Despite Lowering Temps

on any image to enlarge
Thursday dawned as a cloudy
and what would turn out to be a VERY
windy day at the Reno Stead Airport, home
of the National Championship Air Races
and Air Show.
Lighting and wind would
prove to be challenging for photographers
and pilots alike. As the day progressed
pilots fought the wind and poor
visibility with two major race outcome
changing cuts and one low flying penalty
marring the days race results.
Photographers only had to deal with the
wind and light without flying at the same
Some major battles are
shaping up in several of the racing
Divisions and today was but act one in
the drama that will continue throughout
the weekend at Reno, Nevada's high desert
race course.
Sport Division's John Parker
looked doubtful early in the week despite
having added a gob of additional power to
his 3/4 scale P-51 Mustang as he fought
systems problems. Erasing all doubt as to
how well things can work when they work,
Parker handily defeated Darryl
Greenamyer's Lancair entry... only to
have the difficult conditions contribute
to a pylon cut and a mandatory time
penalty which saw him placed back to
information within the picture blow-ups,
click on any small image for an
enlargement and caption.
by: Wayne Sagar
Results courtesy Reno Air Race
Association and
The National Air Racing Group
Via Naomi West
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