Company spokesperson, Charles Denny, tells us "We ran the engine for a while and have decided to get it painted before first flight"....... With this news can the first flight be far behind?...."The painting will take about 10 days then flight testing will be another week or so after that. After Dave Morss has put the airplane through our flight test program and is comfortable with the airplane, we will be ready to demonstrate the Thunder Mustang."
This model under construction at the company's spotless Idaho facility will be a "normally aspirated" version, using the Ryan Falconer Engines beautiful V-12. Unless the Lancair Tigress project comes to fruition, (we'll have more on this soon!) these P-51 "look-alikes" could sweep the Sport Class at Reno...A supercharged version is slated to be the next airplane constructed and should prove to be a very intriguing challenger for Reno (projected speeds reach well into Unlimited territory!). Certainly the flavor of competition in the future is going to be very different than what we've become used to Charles has promised to keep us abreast of developments and we will pass on whatever we get as soon as we get it! Stay Tuned! story by: Wayne Sagar (more
pictures of the Thunder Mustang) |
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